Tech Tips

Here I would like to share some of technical tips which I came across by own experience , or through my friends.
Hope these might be useful a bit.

Merging pdf's 

Generally we might have to refer two or more pdf's at a time, in that case it would be very hard to switch to pdf to another pdf.
So here is a command in Linux to merge two or more pdf's into a single output pdf.

gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=output.pdf 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf
Here 1.pdf 2.pdf are file names and output.pdf is the final output file name.

Samba sharing

In ubuntu we can share files in several ways :
among them hfs,terminal sharing(python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000) and one more file sharing way is to use samba sharing its a .deb software which enables user to share directly their files by clicking sharing options under the options of sharing options

as it is  going well to share files using samba.It simplified file sharing .

But one day I encountered a problem that is when I click on "share this folder" I got an error saying like this: 
net share returned error 255 max limit of  shares = 100 exceeded"

I referred so many websites to rectify this error..all they are saying that to modify the  usershare max shares = 100 in /etc/samba/smb.conf 
But it does not work.

But finally i found a solution to this problem
/var/lib/samba/usershares - in this folder it consist of no.of files that we shared.Once it reached 100 , it will not allow user to share files

so we have delete the shared files , this way we can rectify the above error


How to hide computer account in your computer :
(This process works for windows operating system only)

1. Open Start menu then click on RUN.
2. Type "Regedit" press enter
3. Windows Registry editor will open then navigate from the left panel and go to:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogo \SpecialAccounts\UserList
4. Create a new DWORD
5. setting its name to the name of the account you wish to hide.

6. Then set its value to "0" to hide it.

Now your account is hidden!!!
This account isn't completely hidden because it is visible to administrators in Local User and Groups and also the profile is visible in the Documents and Settings.

To Login after you have hidden the account
1. At Welcome screen, and you want to login to this account.
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Deletetwice (Onlydelete is twice)
3. It will display the log-on promt.
3. Type the username, and the password and hit enter.


Friends Have you ever wondered...?
Why is the 2 GB memory card having 1.8 GB Memory...? or
Why is the 8 GB pen drive having 7.5 GB...?

This was a question that one of my friends asks me after giving a 8 GB pen drives to us recently in our college. 

I really didn’t ask that question to myself. So, I couldn’t answer that instantly.
After a few days of information searching I realize the truth. 

So, here I’m going... bring the facts the way I told my friend.
All Pen drives  manufacturer way of counting space is different from the way a software count a space.
This means to a Pen drives Manufacturer, 1GB is 1000 MB, 1 MB is 1000 KB . Software or computer language recognize a space in terms of power of 2 say 2^1, 2^2,2^3 etc.
Hence a KB is 2^10 Bytes which is 1024 Bytes.Lets do a little math:
From a Manufacturer a 2 GB hard disk is 2 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 =2000000000 Bytes But From the Computer Language point of view a 2000000000 Bytes is:2000000000 / (1024*1024*1024) =186264515 Bytes i.e 1.8 GB.
Now you’ll see why your 2 GB memory card of 8 has only less than 232.83 GB space in total. !! Hope this might be helpful a bit...!@ShivaIIIT


Download your SSC Memos from this site
SSC Memos


 How to hack/recover windos7/windows8 Password. 

Friends if your PC got hacked or you want recover your account in case of if you have forgotten your password , following steps are useful..!

 1.You got the Login Window as below.  


 2.Now click on this red button

3.Click on restart.While it is restarting hold power button untill it shutdown. 
> i.e you must interrupt restart process by holding your power button.

4.Now start your computer.You should get "launch startup repair(recomended)" as shown in below window.If not do step-3 again.
> click on "launch startup repair(recomended)"

5.It will take you to below window.And this process will take 15 to 20 Minutes.

6.After wating for some time you will get shown below window.
>click on "view problem details".

7.Now scroll down to end.without reading problem details.
>click on "c:\\windows\system32\en-US\efforts\ps.txt"

 8.It will open a notepad window. click on "File>Open".

9.Go to Computer.and open Disk Drive where your windows installed. then go to "C:\\Windows\System32".

10.In "File of Types" select "All Types".As shown below.

11.Now scroll down you will find a file called "sethc".
>rename it as "sethc1".

12.Now select file called "cmd". 
>copy and paste in same folder.Use "ctrl+c ctrl+v".

13.Now rename file called "cmd-copy" as "sethc".

14.Thats all now restart your System.

15.This is very Important "Press shift key 5 times".
 >You will get command prompt.

16.In command prompt Type"net user".
>This is to Know users.

17.You will get all users.Here my user name is chad.
>Then type "net user chad * " .In cmd.
>It will ask you type your password for user.
>retype the password

How To Make your Computer Welcome You In Your Own Voice
(works under windows operating system) 

Do you want your computer or laptop to welcome you on start-up?
Here is how you can do this.
Just follow the step by step guide:-
*. open sound recorder.
You will find it in start menu>>accesseries.
*. Now start the recorder and record the welcome message in your own voice....
*. Save the recorded file.
*. Now goto sounds. you will find it in right bottom corner of your desktop
*. Right click on that sound icon and open sounds.
*. Click on windows logon option and then click on browse button.
*. Now choose the path where you saved that recording.
*. Now click test if you want to test it and click OK.

That's it. Now whenever you start your computer/laptop or log on to your computer/laptop, it will welcome you in your own voice. You can record whatever message you like and assign it as a logon sound.
have fun with this and share this with your friends

Here are 15 thing's you didn't know about Google:

Hey Google!! You'll always be our homepage !!
1. Google was originally called BackRub. The homepage read: "BackRub is a
'web crawler' which is designed to traverse the web."...
2. Google has acquired an average of one company every week since 2010.
3. The first Google doodle was a Burning Man symbol. Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin went to the Burning Man festival in 1998 and added the doodle to let users know they were away from the office that weekend.
4. Google hired its first in-house chef, Charlie Ayers, in November 1999, when the company had just 40 employees.
5. Ayers went on to become the firm's executive chef, overseeing a team of 150 employees across 10 cafes at its headquarters in Mountain View,California.
6. You can use Gmail in more than 50 languages.
These include: Welsh, Basque,Tagalog, Malayalam,Telugu and Cherokee.
The first Google Doodle from 1998 – incorporating the Burning Man logo.
The first Google Doodle from 1998 – incorporating the Burning Man logo. Photograph: Google
7. Around 1,000 of Google's employees became millionaires when the company went public in 2004.
8. One of those millionaires was masseuse Bonnie Brown, who worked at the company giving back rubs for $450 a week back in 1999.
9. The "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, which bypasses the results page to take users
directly to the first result of their search, has been estimated to cost Google around $100m in lost ad
revenue every year.
. Google hires goats. In 2009, the company rented around 200 goats for a week to eat the
grass and fertilise the soil at its California headquarters.
11. Google's first official tweet was the words "I'm feeling lucky" in binary.
12. Almost all of rival company Mozilla's money comes from Google. The firm pays
$300m a year to be the default search engine on Mozilla's web browser Firefox.
13. Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the company.
14. That 16% gives them a combined net worth of around $46bn.
15. A new Google employee is known as a "Noogler" and a former employee is referred to as a "Xoogler".


Your computer was used in your absence?

Do you want to know whether your PC was used in your absence???

Just follow these simple steps:
Goto Run and type eventvwr.msc in the Run dialog box.
Events are stored in three log files: Application, Security, and System.
These logs can be reviewed and archived.
For our purposes we want the System log. Click on “System” in the left-hand column for a list ...of events.
Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off.
You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer.
Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day.

How To Shutdown Computer By Cmd
( this works under ubuntu operating system )
Run -> cmd ->
shutdown -s -t 0 = this is for shut
down in 0 seconds (t = time
shutdown -r -t 0 = same but this is
for restart comp. in 0 seconds..
This prevent the shutdown.
shutdown -a


How to recover grub :
1) open the live version
2) open the terminal and run sudo fdisk -l to see where Linux is installed
3) run sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt where x is the number you have found Linux word in
4) run sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda to install grub
5) run sudo update-grub to update grub and if this command didn't work run it after rebooting
6) reboot


Image resize command in terminal :
cd Desktop/
convert -resize  90% input.jpg output.jpg


Automatic shutdown in windows:
right click select new and choose shortcut
then type shutdown-s-t 3600 and enter will
display it but if u want shutdown in the midddle
reedit that text file as shutdown -a

Simple command to merge to all pdf's into single file :

convert input.pdf input1.pdf input2.pdf input3.pdf output.pdf


Change ubuntu system logo at start up

/lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo--replace ubuntu image with your image

Chang account name :
/boot/grub/ grub.cfg. and then replace ubuntu_10.1.10./sda2 with u r naame

How to hide disk drive in windows :
 1. Run CMD!
2. In CMD, type diskpart and hit Enter.
3. Then type list volume and hit Enter.
Now it will display the list of all your computer
drives details.
4. Then type the Drive Letter which you want to
hide. If you want to hide volume E, type select
volume E and hit Enter.
5. After that, type remove letter E and hit an Enter....
That’s all, you have done. Now restart your
computer once to see changes.
How to get back Hidden Drive again in My
Do the procedure which i have mentioned in step
1,2,3 and 4 again.
Click Start –> Run –> cmd –> Then type diskpart – list
volume – select volume E
After that type assign letter E and hit Enter.
That’s all !! You have got back the hidden local drive.
Once again restart your PC, now you will be able to
see hidden local drive in
My Computer.

 Inventors of computer hardware :

(1) Key board — Herman Hollerith, first keypunch device in 1930’s

(2) Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley (1947 - 1948)

(3) RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester (1951)

(4) Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
(5) Hard Disk — IBM , The IBM Model 350 Disk File (1956 )

(6) Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce (1958)

(7) Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)

(8) Laser printer— Gary Stark weather at XEROX in 1969.

(9) Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart & IBM(1970)

(10) Microprocessor — Faggin, Hoff & Mazor – Intel 4004


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